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Springer Farms Midnight Storm (HOF)
Silver Meadows Jet Set Go X CLR'S Whoop-T-Doo2012
AMHR/ASPC Black Mare
"Mindy" is a mare of distinction. She not only was a successful show mare but has produced beautiful foals that have been successful in the show ring all around to world. Co-Owned with Black Mountain Miniatures
Dam of :
-Rivenburgh Jess Remarkable -National Supreme Champion , Multipul Australian Supreme Champion and Champion Producing stallion
- Rivenburgh Jess To Good To Be True - AMHR Reserve National Champion
- Jess Vouge AMHR National Champion
- Naomie AN

Mindy-312 fin

Mindy-300 fin

Mindy-304 fin

Mindy-308 fin

Heir X Mindy 2018 filly-110

Her Beautiful Progeny
Naomi AN
Sired by Rhapsody Dance On Heir (HOF)

Heir X Mindy

Heir X Mindy 2018 filly-110

Heir X Mindy

Heir X Mindy

Jess Vouge AN
Sired by McCathys Jesse James of Rivenburgh
2018National Champion

Vouge AN

Vouge AN

Vouge AN

Rivenburgh Jess Remarkable
Sired by McCathys Jesse James of Rivenburgh
National Supreme Champion , Multipul Australian Supreme Champion and
Champion Producing stallion. Owned by Wildflower Miniatures in Australia


Rivenburgh Jess Remarkable -National

Rivenburgh Jess Remarkable -National

Rivenburgh Jess Remarkable -National

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