Too Hots Miss Marilyn Monroe
2006 AMHA/AMHR Palomino Mare, 31"
Half Measure GM Too Hot To Gamble x Deiles Velvet
2007 World Top 5 Jr. Mare
Dam of:
Wingates Mi Alijandro
Wingates Serenade Mi
World Reserve Champion, Wingates Majestic Reign
Wingates Majestic Heiress

Her Beautiful Progeny
Wingates Majestic Heiress
2016 AMHA/AMHR Pinto Filly
Sired by World Grand Champion, Rivenburghs Jess Majestic

Congratulations to Lisa Berberich and Emma Williams of The United Kingdom on the
purchase of this amazing filly!

Wingates Majestic Reign
2015 AMHA/AMHR Chestnut Stallion
Sired by World Grand Champion, Rivenburghs Jess Majestic

AMHA World Reserve Champion & World Reserve Champion Amateur Jr. Stallion

Wingates Serenade Mi
2012 AMHA/AMHR Palomino Mare, 32"
Sired by the World Champion, Oak Bay Mi Amigo

AMHA World Top Ten Halter - Sold to Carelites Mini Corral in Sugarloaf, Pennsylvania

Wingates Mi Alijandro
2009 AMHA/AMHR Palomino Stallion
Sired by World Champion, Oak Bay Mi Amigo