Rivenburghs Jess Elegant Erica
2011 AMHA/AMHR Pinto Mare, 34"
Mc Carthy's Jesse James of Rivenburgh × Rivenburgh's Roll The Dice S.E.
Full Sister to AMHA World Supreme Champion, Rivenburghs Outlaw Josie Wales
In Foal to Establos Martini On the Rocks for 2017.
Co-Owned with Black Mountian Miniatures

Her Beautiful Progeny
Black Mountains Capri Martini
2018 AMHA/AMHR Filly
Sired by the Reserve National Champion & National Grand Champion producer, Establos Martini On The Rocks

Wingates Dark N Dramatic
2016 AMHA/AMHR Filly
Sired by the Reserve National Champion & National Grand Champion producer, Establos Martini On The Rocks
2017 National Champion

Beautiful miniature Horse, Champion Minihorses, Miniature Horse For Sale, Arabian Horse For Sale, wingate training center #horses #MiniatureHorse, Kelly Campbell Photography, Casey Campell horses

Congratulations to Sheryl Peterson of Oak Bay Acres on the acquisition of this exquisite filly!