Small Equine Mares of Wingate

Lucky Four Supreme Surastar
2005 AMHA/AMHR Mare
World & National Champion producer, L.F. Black Velvet Supreme x Mello Yellow
2014 World Champion Produce of Dam
Dam of:
At Last Surastars Lil Rebel -National & World Champion in Halter & Driving-
At last Surastars Cresendo -World Champion-
At Last Deputys Sura Contessa
PHR Jess Adoreble

Too Hots Miss Marilyn Monroe
2006 AMHA/AMHR Palomino Mare, 31"
Half Measure GM Too Hot To Gamble x Deiles Velvet
**Sold Congratulations to Erin Hensen**
Dam of:
Wingates Mi Alijandro
Wingates Serenade Mi
Wingates Debonair Mi
World Reserve Champion, Wingates Majestic Reign
Wingates Majestic Heiress
Wingates Kingsmen

Rivenburghs Jess Elegant Erica
2011 AMHA/AMHR Pinto Mare, 34"
Mc Carthy's Jesse James of Rivenburgh × Rivenburgh's Roll The Dice S.E.
Full Sister to World Supreme Champion Rivenburghs Outlaw Josie Wales
Dam of:
Wingates Dark N Dramatic
In Foal to Establos Martini On the Rocks for 2017.
Co-Owned with Black Mountian Miniatures

Springer Farms Midnight Storm (HOF)
Silver Meadows Jet Set Go X CLR'S Whoop-T-Doo2012
AMHR/ASPC Black Mare
Dam of :
-Rivenburgh Jess Remarkable -National Supreme Champion , Multipul Australian Supreme Champion and Champion Producing stallion
- Rivenburgh Jess To Good To Be True - AMHR Reserve National Champion
- Jess Vouge AMHR National Champion
- Naomie AN

Mountain Meadows Rakassah Anika (AMHR Name)
Mountain Meadows Graceful Dancer (AMHA Name)
Dam of
2021 Wingates
In foal to Establos Martini on The Rocks for 2022

Oak Bay Salsas Royal Kiss
2015 AMHA/AMHR Grey Filly
Oak Bay Salsamio x Sir I Told U Twice
Show Highlights ~ Winning Grands in 2015
Sold to Susanne in Southern California