Establo Martini On The Rocks
2004 HOF TRIPLE Reg. AMHA/AMHR/ASPC Stallion - 75% Arenosa
Bristol Juan Rojo (HOF) x Sundance LB Mariah
Reserve GRAND Champion Junior Stallion
2x National Futurity Champion
National GRAND Champion Producer

Reserve GRAND Champion Junior Stallion 2x National Futurity Champion National GRAND Champion Producer

Reserve GRAND Champion Junior Stallion 2x National Futurity Champion National GRAND Champion Producer

Reserve GRAND Champion Junior Stallion 2x National Futurity Champion National GRAND Champion Producer

Reserve GRAND Champion Junior Stallion 2x National Futurity Champion National GRAND Champion Producer
Enjoy "Marty's" video.
Thank you to Darryl Larson Video Productions for creating all of our Stallion video's.
Establo Martini On The Rocks is a gorgeous 3 x National Champion and a National GRAND Champion producer. Sired by the legendary stallion Bristol Juan Rojo and out of Sundance LB Mariah who is sired by Flabys Captian Topper.
He is proudly owned by the Martini Partnership, Jean M Hayunga, Stacey Sachen, Casey and Kelly Campbell.

Sample of Progeny
"Marty" is consistently producing beautiful correct and refine foals.
We are thrilled to have him as one of our main herd sires, here at Wingate.
Wingates pending...
2021 AMHA/AMHR Colt
Out of the beautiful mare Mountain Meadows Rakassah Anika (AMHR Name)
Mountain Meadows Graceful Dancer (AMHA Name)

Thank you so much to Stacy Score for gifting his beautiful mother to River Belle

Wingates Sinister Silhouette
2016 AMHA/AMHR Colt
Out of World Grand Champion producer, Hillside Farms Reign N Hail
Half Brother to World Grand Champion, Wingates Adore Mi. This colt is breathtaking!

Congratulations to Erin Hansen on this beautiful colt

Jameson AN
2016 ASPC/AMHR Colt
Out of World Champion producer, Say I Love You
This colt can MOVE!
His neck to shoulder is stunning and he will turn heads in the show ring.

Proudly co-owned with Stacy Sachen of Anivia Equine!

Wingates Black Widow
2016 AMHA/AMHR Black FIlly
Out of World Champion producer DD Too Hots Silk N Sassie
Half sister to Multiple Grand Champion, Wingates Infamous Mi.
We are expecting her to follow her half brothers footsteps.

Congratulations to Jean & Del Hayunga of Black Mountain Miniatures on the purchase of the exotic filly!

Wingates Johnny Walker Red
2016 AMHA/AMHR Colt
Out of World Champion producer, Mountain Meadows Bey Whimsey
1/2 Brother to World Champion Wingates Lavish Mi.

OFFERED FOR SALE - Please inquire for price

Wingates Dark N Dramatic
2016 AMHA/AMHR Filly
Out of Rivenburghs Jess Elegant Erica - A full sister to AMHA World Supreme Stallion, Rivenburghs Outlaw Josie Wales

Congratulations to Sheryl Peterson of Oak Bay Acres on the acquisition of this exquisite filly!

Cosmopolitan AN
2016 AMHA/AMHR Filly
Out of AMHA World Champion Abrias Signature Mystic

This gorgeous Shetland blend filly is owned and bred by Anivia Equine.

Black Mountains Angel Kiss Martini
2016 AMHA/AMHR Filly
Out of World Champion, Alliance Miss Virginia

This beautiful filly is owned and bred by Black Mountain Miniatures