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2018 Small Equine Foals of Wingate

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Wingates Rebel Reign

2018 AMHR/AMHA Grey filly

Hillside Farms Reign N Hail &  At Last Surastars Lil' Rebel

Congratulations!! to Lisa Pitchler on your purchase of this

gorgeous filly.  Watch for her in the show string in 2019

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Wingates Mimosa

2018 AMHA/AMHR Filly

Establos Martini On The Rocks X Essence

The are so happy with our only Marti Filly this year!   This beautiful filly has a stunning little face with one blue eye and great conformation.    She is sure to have a great future in the show ring or as an amazing brood mare.  She is closely related to Cosmopolitan AN (recently sold to Dubai) World & Regional Champion.

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Wingates Joe Rebel

2018 AMHA/AMHR Colt

At Last Surastars Lil' Rebel X Out of World Champion Producer Mountain Meadows Bey Whimsey

He may be little but he is fierce :)  Standing at about 16 inches tall when he was born.  Joey is one of the smallest horses we have ever had and one of the most beautiful faces we have seen.  This little guys is full of attitude and puts a smile on everyones face.  He will mature around 28 inches tall  

PHR Jess Adorable

2018 AMHA/AMHR Filly
Sired by World & National Champion Producer, McCarthy's Jesse James Of Rivenburgh and out of Lucky Four Supreme Surastar.

This filly is a half sister to Sir Stars Lil Rebel and we are pleased to add her and her mother to our breeding program.

Wingates One Knight Stan

2018 AMHA/AMHR Colt
Sired by World & National Champion Producer, Cherryille Magic's Dark Knight  x  Oak Bay Salsa Bella Luna


This colt is sure to turn heads and be in the winners circle.  Stan is the first foal from both Knight & Bella and we will be sure to do this cross aging for 2019.

Knight him sire is 2x National Grand Champion in both halter and driving and Bella's full brothers and sisters are Multi World Grand champion in both divisions as well.  Keep an eye on this little guys future..

Wingates Rebellious

2018 AMHA/AMHR Foal
Sired by World & National Champion Producer, At Last Surastars Lil Rebel  x  Rivenburghs Jess Fantastic (by McCarthys Jesse James of Rivenburgh)

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